Monday 10 March 2014

Ship usage....

The thoughts in the last post were in my head over the weekend as was ship usage in general. These thoughts were also born of a random idea I stuck into an eve poll comment box. It was very off the cuff and had no forethought but was based around using the ships already in game. I'll expand it here.

What if ships already in game could be playable. As the art assets are already in place.
So what if drone ships could be playable, only usable in certain area's of space where normal crew's could not "last". 
How much would that open things up for some alternative usage. Adding extra skill/ship usage etc. As well as how to manage a new area.
How different would wormhole space be if it was found that all crew's that had been in WH space died after short exposure to something new the sleeper drones had emitted. Concord stops the use of crew's, capsuleer's change to the use of adaptive rogue drone technology.... sounds like it would open up a lot of pve/pvp situations.

That would have made WH space a lot more "interesting". Wouldn't it.....

If a T1 drone frig is "average" compared to normal t1 tech, and these new drone tech ships can go from WH to say 0.0, but are not really favoured because they are "average" how interesting would that be....

The reverse normal space to WH is a limited time only... if a crew can only survive for 20 minutes.... after that the ships looses all function except for limited engine speed and warp power.....

There would be a lot of drifting tech.... but it would add so much to gameplay..... make things more meaningful and adventurous. What if there was a drone hauler that had the ability to repackage a "normal" ship and stow it!! Or better still to convert normal capsuleer tech into drone tech!

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway ... just me waffling and spewing an idea and where it was taking my thinking.....

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