Friday 14 March 2014

Eve Alt & Null PI...... minor update.

I've not had a lot of time to work with my Null alt over the last week.

Last weekend when I did have a chance to log in, my area was being roamed about and disrupted with reds and neuts. While I can usually avoid the odd 1 or 2 in local I really can't avoid 5 to 10 per system when they are causing havoc.

So instead I updated my current 3 planets from the comfiness of my Captains quarters.
I've had to add in extra advanced processor units to increase output of materials as I am a little swamped with basic mats. I really really really need to setup the plasma planet and get going on the final process's to get things 100% up and running.

So far it's been about 3 weeks since I first started the changes to the PI process's, this really needs to be followed through a.s.a.p.

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