Monday 31 March 2014

Twas a good weekend... but went very fast...

Weekends tend to fly past in the blink of an eye, last weekend for some reason skipped by faster!  Even with the weekend going so fast I was still able to game. 

BF4 saw me get some good upgrades/levelling and matches were in general good. Overall I'm now able to string together 3 to 5 kills before getting done in myself. That's a bit of an improvement. The only thing that brings the score down is when using a new weapon, change my usual loadout or trying to do something silly like use the sniper rifles.

Wow was the usual farming dailies, I should have 2 more characters unlock the 4th plot tonight, that gives me 3 characters with the full farm. My engineer almost has enough living steel to make the sky golem. A quick guild run to the older raids was done for a bit as was some work on professions. Still lots to do and no real motivation to do it. It's all turned very ad-hoc.
I got to do some more dungeons for rep and got the new shoulder for my Rogue. I think they suit him better than the other more flamboyant shoulders at the start. I need to get a proper transmog set to make him really stand out.

Eve saw the biggest amount of time of all the games dedicated to it.
The usual "dailies" for jobs in PI/POS and skill queue's were done. The POS was refuelled.
The PI for the null alt has had a lot of changes but I think I'll have to think a bit about whats happened and is happening and do a bit of a separate post about that.

My friend that lost his Dominix and an interceptor got them resurrected.
I say resurrected because the insurance was removed from his wallet and a semi fit was on the ships, the fit depending on what didn't survive the explosion.
Other mods that did drop were scooped by the mobile tractor and that was then destroyed by another player the next day for its loot. But good one for CCP giving back the destroyed ships and modules.
Saved him from spending another 200 mill. Plus he was glad to get the gear I sent him, I think.
We ended up doing some missions last night till the last mission finished and we realised it was the weeee hours of the morning. Much salvaging was had.

I spent some time between all my characters seeing what T1 modules I could sell/refine before the patch hits. It worked out well and both my mains and alts got isk for modules as well as materials to use.
Bit of a spring clean can be healthy.

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