Thursday 1 September 2016


My initial impression of the new expansion comes from one nights play. The day it released, last Tuesday. While I only played with it for a few hours I have not been drawn back to it since. So despite the anticipation and the video's to prep for the expansion I have found it to be a little lack luster and heavy on the "we are so gonna have you grind the grind before the grind". Did I mention this expansion seems grind heavy. Grind levels, grind weapon power/levels, grind gear, grind more followers and follower followers. Hmmmm.

Of the characters I did play and get the weapons for, I really enjoyed only one. The warlock. What a quest and storyline. Epic in it's warlock evilness. I was laughing like my undead warlock during it. Nice. The quest has a "sidekick" that is entertaining in a classic warlock imp way.

The other two class's I also did were my hunter a Beastmaster and a Shadow Priest. Both storylines left me feeling slightly confused and out of touch with the class and wanting the quest to just end sooner rather than later.

Having "endured" the pre expansion "story" quests perhaps I wasn't in the proper mindset to do them. Still something just felt "off".

I also found that the quest markers during all three were pointing me all over the place. One quest marker for my lock's quest was leading him out of the "dungeon" he was in. It was pointing towards the entrance when the text of the npc talking was leading me to think I was already in the right place. You need to really pay attention to the quest and whats going on now rather than the "old" day's where you can just check the map, zerg and go.

I've not felt the need to log back into the game since. My wife has also been having problems with her own questline on a Mage. Either things are buggy for the launch or the design is s**t.

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