Monday 5 November 2018

Close Combat 2....

I've been enjoying some more Close Combat 2. Some older saves take me to the late game campaigns for both sides. On the German side I'm remembering why I liked their campaign. It allowed me to do what I usually do in strategy games, hunker down, amass resources and allow the opposition to wear themselves out. Specificity one map, Son Town. You start defending with low quality troops and not enough of them. The expectation is to maybe hold it for one battle and then withdraw to the bridge map. It's a defensive challenge. One I loved to take up. I'd hold it, throw in troops when they were available and push them hard to defend. With luck you can get to a point where the map isn't contested till later in the campaign when the main Allied forces arrive (30 corp). Then it's a massive battle with more troops and armour than sense as they bat away at each other. Thankfully on the map if you destroy enough tanks and suppress the troops with hails of fire you can finish the battle quickly.

I never expected a replay to finish this quickly:


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