Wednesday 14 November 2018

Hitman 2....

I noticed something strange on my Steam wishlist page, a Hitman 2 Install button. Yes despite all my mumbling about the game it was still on my wishlist.  I've not bought the game but there it was, an install button. So I clicked on it, it said thanks for buying the game, I still haven't bought the game and it installed. 

It seems like a similar Hitman 1 demo install version, the training area from Hitman 1. 

The thing is it also included the unlocked first game's content; missions all available to play, along with the Requiem pack content, "Legacy GOTY" pack content inc. the Patient Zero (mini) campaign and suits.

So it recognised I had the first game and some other purchased content. I was puzzled, H2 seemed to have more than what should have been unlocked.... maybe? It says I own the GOTY legacy DLC but not the normal legacy DLC.... Maybe I should just shut up and accept it without complaint....

Once in the game a few more items were unlocked. A silver suitcase, gold coins from the elusive targets and the black winter suit. I guess the coins are from the elusive targets.
Twitter has solved why I got two of those items:

My original gripe persists. I just wish there was recognition carried over from the previous game with regard to the challenges.

Even with more crossover, more recognition of purchased items; It's still a kick in the guts to not have Hitman 1's completed challenges recognised and carried over. How hard could it have been to even match each steam achievement from H2 against H1 content. Even if there were new ones etc... 

Done it twice now!

So, having played the game's "enhanced" Paris map a bit I have to say that I agree with what I said previously. It's a good game, great to have the enhancements. It's like a remastered version but here now instead of 6 years down the line.

In one hand I have Hitman 2, a great game with so much good content; And in the other I have my anger, frustration and stubborn intransigence.

I don't know if I can talk myself down. All those hours of gameplay ranging from enjoyment to frustration (challenges) may be stopping me from more enjoyment and frustrations in both redoing the old and moving on to the new content....

My personality, game style with this type of game/content is as a completionist.

If the challenges had recognition and crossover I'd have pre-ordered it month's ago... 

I need to mull this over some more....

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