Friday 23 November 2018

Hitman 2....

Hitman 2 but not Hitman 2 when it's the Legacy content. I've been pottering away with Hitman 2's version of Paris. One element of the legacy system is that there are less escalations. But a newer system to reward you for completing legacy content. Rewards for doing less in the first game. Or maybe best to call it streamlined. Paris has one base map escalation and 1 escalation for the Patient Zero campaign addition to Paris (Corky the clown). At least as far as my free legacy version can see. That's way down on what the first game had.

I've been enjoying my time by doing the assassinations, feats and other challenges in Paris.

Just as I've caught myself leaning back into maybe buying the second game I find other reasons that cast doubt again. Maybe it's experience with the first game but I've found H1 maps a lot easier in the H2 version. Specifically the A.I. It does react differently. In a more stupid way. If you decide to go postal on a map you could funnel the npc masses into a kill zone; And you can still do that in H2. The difference in H2 is that they enter that funnel and don't hone in on your position as the H1 versions did. At least in the first game it seemed like the npc's knew you were in a corner due to the 20 bodies piled up.... H2 has each npc react like they are the first into the room regardless of the pile.

That aside there is a lot to like with the game with it's changes and updates to the older content. It makes me want to see the newer content. I'd still be annoyed as a completionist that I have to do some things again. But it might be worth it.

And even if they will re-release the game and the elusive targets in a year or so I still have time to mull things over.

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