Friday 16 November 2018

Eve Online....

This weekend see's double training speed and free SP on login after downtime....

Almost like an incentive....

CCP has always fought to be as far away from daily rewards/incentives...
They never found a way to do it their way.....

How quaint, they are doing a weekend special/reward now....

A ui splash screen, a mystery(mystery code triggered alert) box with a ribbon, looking like a Christmas present with an aura around it which when claimed moves the box to your redeem items section; Which you click and drag to whatever character you want it to go to.

I didn't even have to log a character in, just visit the selection screen.

So it's just about an incentive to get me to log into Eve, claim the free SP, apply the free SP "gift" to a character and log off.

Next account.....

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