Wednesday 28 November 2018


The details are out :

The tactical leaning rather than a more equal spread of officer/module slots, has me a little disappointed. Tactical leanings prove again that DPS is the only role you need to play.
In a way what it lacks for Engineering or Science characters it makes up for with a very different presence in game.

Maybe I'm being too harsh. Many ships need hands on time with fitting options to prove their worth; Especially with the mastery abilities.

Fore Weapons: 4
Aft Weapons: 4

Device Slots: 3

1 Commander Tactical, 
1 Ensign Tactical, 
1 Lieutenant Engineering, 
1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 
1 Lieutenant Commander Universal/Pilot

Console Modifications: 
5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science

Admiralty Ship Details:
ENG: 30
SCI:  33
TAC:  63
SPECIAL:  +10 SCI per TacShip

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