Monday 12 November 2018


Been a while since I looked up details about streaming etc but only getting around to testing it out in the last week or so. Not sure if I can ever do a 'scheduled' stream; A schedule seems forced, I don't want to play a game forcibly.... Even doing it with no commentary. Although with me playing BF1 that's probably a good thing; The profanity I tend to spew would not be good. Then again that's considered entertainment to some.....

It wasn't a good night of matches, gave as good as I got most of the time; But it tended to go downhill overall.

There were some enjoyable "return the favour" moments....

Unfortunately I didn't save the footage after streaming so all I ended up with was the automatic upload. Which on download was of poorer quality, but for a short edit like the "sniper revenge" clips it'll do..... Lessons learned on all fronts.

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