Tuesday 27 November 2018


Trek Online looks to have a busy month set out for December....

I'll stick with the current featured TFO daily and then move over to Q's winter event dailies, for the rep needed to get this years Chrimbo ship. Add in a sprinkle of the other weekend happenings and it should be good.

Details for the Fek’Ihri S’torr Warship (T6) should be out soon, that'll be an interesting one.

I'm still pottering about with my Jem'Hadar's new ship. 
Having never really spent 'quality' time on my Engineering Character and his carrier/dreadnought, the new Jem'Hadar carrier is taking me a while to get a "handle" on properly.

Alternatively I've been impressed with the healers in my recent TFO runs; Makes me want to learn to  play a healer properly.

Engineering / Science charterers are the tanks / healers of STO. Or at least they are meant to be. Right now, to be played properly in those roles, seems like some kind of weird magic than anything I can nail down. Feels like too much work when I do start to get into it. I always seem to default all roles/classes to DPS(tactical like). That the game allows you to be generalised or specific is both a blessing and a curse.

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