Tuesday 6 November 2018

Eve Online....

It's that time again.... A winter "expansion". Onslaught's alterations to the game will be due on the 13th of November (this day next week).

I've not been keeping up with any news/forums or community thoughts on the game so I'm gonna waffle....

From my own perspective I see the usual balance/quality of life changes to both game mechanics(inc. ships) and U.I. to be good. Those changes usually are, as they encompass all players no matter what aspect of the game they call their own. Like the new P.I. compact mode Or the Global search. Admittedly I'm probably going to be confused by the global search because I've spent so much time in game I already know where to look for information.

I do like the new stargate visuals, they look great.

The activity tracker is interesting but a bit pointless. Eve players above all others know what skills and activities they do..... Is this really to be like some sort of self achievement/goal.... list, thingy? That lets you see how you spend your time in game......  Something else players will glance at a few times and ignore....."meh".

New Cyno beacon and jammer, look cool but don't affect me, so meh.

The 2 new Triglavian ships also look cool, but as they are more niche ships they don't really interest me. The destroyer, called the 'Kikimora', may be of greater interest over time as it's the smallest entry into that line of ships. Smaller is usually cheaper in both isk and skills....
The Triglavian ships/tech/weapons and skill books all need a lot more proliferation to justify the costs involved. Right now I don't fancy spending billions on em. And I don't have the time or interest to pursue the Abyssal encounters myself.
Onslaught will allow joint entry to the encounters but ....meh. That kind of social effort, especially in an activity that's hotly sought after can be frustrating in it's own right. If your rolling with a larger crew and they are all in then great. Not for a solo casual carebear.
As for the cruiser encounters regarding the new PvP aspect... No thanks, I'm sure the gankers will love it.

And they call it an expansion...... Bit of a stretch of the definition.

If I can't be bothered to check it out with an Alpha character or two, I'm not going to pay for the game......

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