Tuesday 27 November 2018

Dead Cells....

A game I've seen bit of via gameplay footage, it interested me so I didn't want to spoil it so didn't watch too much. I've had it on my wishlist for a while. The autumn steam sale was the time to buy. 

Now that I have it I see that it is more a medium term rather than quick pick up and play game. It joins the ranks of other quick games I seem to play these day's. Like Domina, SYTHETIK or FTL. That fact of my current gameplay is compounded by my having purchased it,  Shovel Knight and Into the BreachEnter the Gungeon was good but after an initial burst of gameplay I've not returned more than a few times, despite the updates etc. It's in the same vein but has lacked longevity for me where the others haven't. Odd that.

Anyway back to the game at hand. Dead Cells. An epic hack and slash platformer with randomised levels each playthrough; Not as harsh as it sounds. With a story-line and a connection to character that is a motivation to plow on it. It's a lot of fun to play, worth it at full price even. Time will tell about it's longevity for me.

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