Sunday 25 November 2018


SYNTHETIK; Another game I've let slip by the wayside, which has also been updated recently and come to my attention due to seeing a Steam download. It's latest UPDATE 21 - Rare Metal covers a lot of ground.

Getting back into the game with the previous update was interesting but daunting in retrospect. Due mainly to so many changes to class's and again having let the game slip from casual play. I can just about see the changes, say with some kind of informed view that X change is cool or Y alteration is a good one. This new update changes/tweaks and enhances so much it's hard to casually keep track of. So with change after change over time it's all become a lot to take in. That said Update 21 does look to have great changes/updates and additions. I do like the game but it's a short term time filler for me. To do a few run's and then move on. I've no hope of being a min/max'er let alone level up all the class's / get all the collectibles.

Challenges! Not like before. I'm so rusty now I can barely co-ordinate eject and reload.

So back to basics for me; I shoot gun, gun feels good and impactful, enemies explode, I chuckle with glee. Fun is fun.

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