Sunday 4 November 2018

Project Nova....

I see a lot of similarities between Project Nova and No Man's Sky. Similarities in aspirations that is. On getting the basics right and building on from bare bones. Similarities that No Man's Sky took to heart when the game was as it was on launch(nuff said) and then spent years updating, correcting and adding content. Nova aspires to a pattern of greatness over time. However long it takes. Or maybe in Nova's case however long the cash flow allows. Maybe it can be done. If people can wait for Star Citizen then they can wait for Nova.... But to do that Nova needs to show what it's aiming for. There is no hype train for Nova and CCP isn't all about that angle since any time it did it's gotten slapped in the face after non delivery in Eve Online etc.

So where is the roadmap?
What can players aim to hang there hat on....
And how much 'real' community feedback are they aiming to get?
If they only look to the old Dust elite then that's a skew in view already, never mind after a years development. Maybe getting a third party dev team involved wasn't a bad idea.

BF V had years to develop but still made mistakes in class, weapons and games systems. Even having to make visual changes after player feedback with the Beta(darkness/player spotting). Things that should have been caught before hand.

Look at the money and time poured into EA's Star Wwars Battlefront games, where do you even begin with all that.

I don't think the industry even knows what players want, but they do want players money.

Blizzard can try and make their PC based players love a mobile game, I doubt they expected booing.

Dev's don't have all the answers and I have big doubts about Nova. Even if Rattati is in charge.

This article from games radar, makes an interesting comment: "And the gunplay is good. I got a Destiny-ish vibe to the PvE mode I played". The only thing I could think of when I read that was Rattati's line about other games doing ground(planet based) content better i.e. why Nova wouldn't be doing that. Big tip here CCP, your game Nova uses a humanoid player avatar with two legs.... It's all ground based content.... So CCP why bother with any of it? Whats the plan?

Yea I don't expect any quick or easy answers.

Oh look.....

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