Monday 25 November 2019

STO (PC Event done)....

Speaking of STO, today also saw my PC main complete the second event of the 1st(that's really the second) campaign. Even if the interface doesn't recognise that the second event has started.

With the event over for me it saw my character do the first daily dilithium while the event is still active; And claim the reward. I really like it; And it can be claimed multiple times for each ship I have(just one claim at a time, claim, fit, claim again, fit etc).

This new console can do some quick dps so it's handy. It's a lot like the distress (help) beacons that call in reinforcements. Only it's not an inventory item so needs to be 'fitted'. I've not done any dps charts to say I'm doing more dps but it 'feels' like I am; It's fun to use till proved otherwise.

The daily has now moved on to the Dilithium rewards 'phase'. The more the better.

I've found he new event system a great motivation. I know I've waffled about it before but it really is. Between it and the endevour system I'm really happy with doing content.

Check endeavour tasks
Do daily TFO for event (sometimes both systems cross paths)
Do any TFO's/easy content to fill in the endeavour system
Log out.

I doubt if it all takes 30 minutes.

Some occasions I've stayed on longer to pottering about filling the queue time for TFO's if more advanced versions are needed. Challenge and endevour rewards are a good thing. Not that I've any real time pressures. Playing the game is fun. What would be considered a grind in other games doesn't really feel like it in STO. Maybe one previous occasion(an event) felt grindy, but as a general rule, at least for me the fun outweighs any grind.

The Dil to Zen exchange has been hovering about the 500 Dil per Zen limit so it's almost like hyper inflation has kicked in during the last year.

At the start of the year I traded around the 310 - 315 per Zen mark and thought it was 'reasonable'.

I've not bought/exchanged Dil for Zen since it was at a really high(at the time) 340 ish Dil per Zen. I was put off exchanging after seeing the constant creep upwards. No wonder I've been putting more Dil into item/weapon upgrades instead. Makes me even happier that I get the Zen 'stipend' of 500 every month from the lifetime sub.

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