Wednesday 18 March 2020

Two Point Hospital....

Back to Two Point again. With the completion of the R.E.M.I.X. content I was tempted to retry some of the other DLC that I've skipped over/ignored/ran away from. Instead I went back to the main campaign/base game hospitals. One in particular was a stumbling block, Duckworth-upon-Bilge. I took a broader look a this map and gamed the system with copious amounts of foundation research.

Still the see-saw of month end dept and task rewards brought both horrific lows and soaring highs.

The more that was added, rooms, treatments and staff; The more the running costs went up(up and up). Rewarding tasks are random and can be anything from water 10 plants and unblock 8 toilets to curing X amount of patients in a room you've not setup yet(never mind got the staff for).

Train a staff member and get cash, promote a staff member costs cash. So yea I used foundation funds to make things a lot less harsh. Still there were months that started with +50k went do -75k by the end and then up to +150k. It's a rollercoaster of costs and incomes with this hospital. Get a task to upgrade a machine costs 20k and your rewarded with +75k...... It's not all bad but it is random and down to luck.

Thankfully I was lucky this time round.

I also left the staff moral boost(from 84% to the needed 90%) till the end, getting the 200 patient cures first(gotta bide that time). Then I whacked up the salaries(to dark green on the sliders) to get the 3rd star to pop.

I tried that map before and failed hard. Glad to have it done now(never to return).

The next three have their own problems to overcome. I've taken a quick peek at the first two but I'll need to restart them.

Deep breath!

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