Tuesday 27 June 2017

Darkest Dungeon.... Build all the things....

I've decided to leave my Radiant run as a 'vanilla' run to continue to build up it's roster, gold and items.

I've made a lot more progress with the expansion in my normal mode run. I'd finished it's content a log time ago so had an excess of characters, gold, trinkets and crests etc. Which has been interesting in it's advantages. With all previous boss's dead and the darkest dungeon cleared I was granted all the blueprints in the game.

With my excess of items I was then able to build all the new buildings in one go. Engage smug mode. I still have the vanity building to do ... but I have to have something to work towards ;p

With only the one building left I'm curious if the 3 other blueprints I have left over can be used for something else.... Probably not....

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