Tuesday 27 June 2017

Hidden and Dangerous 2 back on the menu....

February last year I had tried a lot of my older games to see if they would still run. One I was sorry didn't work was Hidden and Dangerous 2. With the launch of the steam sale I also took a look at gog.com. I was pleasantly surprised to see that they now had H&D2 listed! And at a sale price as well. This version of the game also includes the expansion pack! I immediately clicked to purchase.


The gamplay still stands up even if the graphics have aged. For a game that's almost 14 years old it's not the worst in looks at all. The game drips atmosphere for me, but that may be the nostalgia talking.

I need to find my old saved games next.

A small playthrough from earlier in the year is worth a lil'look from a youtuber called Taff in Exile, for anyone interested in how the game plays.

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