Saturday 10 June 2017

STO.... Those who wait....

Once I get to claim the summer reward I'll have a dedicated Tier 6 ship for each class no matter the faction (once they are level 40 and above). It's been a few years in collecting the freebies but it will be good to get a T6 for each class.
Next thing I'll know I'll start showing interest again in getting proper reworked fits for each character ship.

Factions in fairness does just mean Federation and Klingons. Not that there are very many dedicated Klingon faction players. Does anyone play the Romulans and not side with the Federation? If they do they must have a lot of tumbleweed to clear. Or at least a lot more than the Klingons....

A change of scene/narrative is motivation for alt creation, at least for me.

Maybe I need to swap server/shard/realm more:

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