Saturday 24 June 2017


The latest Elusive target was released last Friday. Hokkaido is an area I haven't reached yet (I'm being pedantic in completing area's and their challenges before moving onto the next). So with the Elusive target delayed on Friday I did one normal run to get some hands on experience of the level.

I had read that my go to Hitman Youtuber (MrFreeze2244) was streaming live his first attempts so I watched. 

The problem with this new target is that there were three possible people that could be the target.

His solution was worked out with a viewer in his stream. To poison one of the three potential targets then if the challenge completed you got the right person. If it didnt' complete and you got a "non-target" kill you reset and retried the mission.
Seems like a way to game a random mission like this but it worked, I shouldn't complain.

Having only done the area once I'd not unlocked anything but it was a good thing I did the normal mission once. The solution to killing the target required me to smuggle in the poison, completing it once opened up an area that I could use to bring it in.

I only saw that MrFreeze did a basic run video after I'd completed it myself, so my run was slightly different.

I went down the same pipe but waited for the guard to start his phone call, with his back turned I hopped up and subdued him from behind, then hid his body in the same locker as in the video.
I then went up the stairs and like MrFreeze turned off the fuse box. Subduing the chef, hid him and took his uniform. Instead of going back down the stairs, in and around I went directly into the restaurant, waited on the right hand side for the enforcer to walk away form the bar, then I ran over and poisoned the drink. Like MrFreeze I went back out the way I came in. I put on the guards uniform as I thought I needed it and waited up by the helicopter to extract.
Interesting run, it only took me two attempts to complete it.

I didn't even place in the top 1000 but at this stage being late to the party I'm just glad to get Elusive Target kills.

Thank you MrFreeze2244 for your hard work and dedication to the game's community.

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