Tuesday 27 June 2017

STO.... 80%

80%, 5 more day's and I should be able to complete the research and claim the new ship.

With my improved interest in the Summer events I decided to take a look and see how easy it is to claim more favours. I really want to get best jetpack (floater), that takes 1000 favours.
As it turns out it's easy. Of the events I am better at the Floater event as well as the Horga'hn  and Artifact Scavenger Hunt.

With the bonus rewards of the timed events it is worth the wait. I have been alt-tabbing between other games and STO while I wait for the event to come around. Thinking I can now get the favours I need later today I 'invested'/'splurged' the 300 favours I did have and bought more cats. Pet's pet's all the way...

 I love the pet models but the pink cat with it's blank alien eye's is a scary looking freak!

 3... 2... 1... claws my arm off....

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