Wednesday 28 June 2017

GRW.... Title Update 5

With the latest patch that's just been applied, the over 7GB patch seems more hefty than it should be, again. But there is the new 'Tier' system.

I'm still making good progress and more or less having fun with all the characters.

I usually don't do the challenges as they only give vanity items that are 99% uninteresting to me. However out of curiosity I did the solo challenge for Season 2 Week 4. One task was interesting.
Kill 3 snipers within 1 second of each other. The solution was not a sync shot as my character needed to be the only one to do it. But a snatch and grab of three snipers, 'stow' them in a car and apply liberal amounts of C4 solved that one. Interesting and fun.

The community challenges are nice to get but I don't really help a lot for that cause. Solo carebear is solo.

The newest version of the challenges looks like something I wont' be doing anything with.

The new tier system is a better incentive to me to get back on my main.

The weapon upgrades are not necessarily needed but they are welcome. I'll be tempted to get as far as I can with the weapons this way and then up the difficulty to the next, max level. Extreme may be too extreme but worth a try if I have the upgraded tools.

My second solo character has also hit level 30 and progressed onto the Tier system, she will be able to finish off the game and level up in the tier system at the same time. Happy day's.

My co-op alt is lagging far behind the two solo characters. Fun is still being had but at this stage his progression is so messed up there is no hope of following a story line.

I've also gotten to a stage where I'm repeating a lot of missions other people are on. Not once or twice but I'm now at a stage where it's 10 or 12 times. Moving to other area's makes no difference but I guess the general community is moving at a slower pace so there is a lot of crossover. It depends on the group I'm with, if the interactions are fun then it's worth it.

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