Monday 5 June 2017

Still no news on the [T6] Vorgon Ryn’Kodan Carrier....

 I'm surprised that there has been no more details or stats since the news about the [T6] Vorgon Ryn’Kodan Carrier as a reward for the summer event was announced.
I'll still grind the vouchers for it to be unlocked on all my high end characters but details are nice.... I'm sure the stat fanatics have run out of tinfoil to chew.

Tomorrow the 6h of June (D-Day indeed, and on a Tuesday as the historic day was) will see the latest Season (#13) be released to the console versions.
I've still not been active with anything new this season, despite the new War Game Queues.

I did pay a visit to all my characters, say hello, run some officer and fleet missions for old times sake...

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