Monday 19 June 2017

Limit Theory.... Outpaced?

It's been almost three years since I first saw Limit Theory. Well over 5 since it got started as a Kickstarter. I've tracked it's updates, the designers real life changes etc. I've drifted away and forgotten about it. It's a game that's had, is having a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Part of me is wondering will it come out, another part is wondering when. I'm sure there have been many questions about weather it is still relevant. I think it is. It's a unique game that promises a lot. Looking at the old update video's it shows how much there is to build on. As much as I like what I'm seeing I'm still starting to question if this game is the best way of seeing those things; And if it's already been outpaced by others of it's genre.

Main Site:



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