Friday 23 June 2017


I'm still not a fan that the DLC is completely separated from the main game. But I can live with it.

Re-creating my characters was also a pain but doable and once done I can again live with it.

I've been spending some quality time with all of the characters.

Solo main, solo alt & co-op main:

I took my main into the second DLC rather than continue with Narco Road.

I do get a laugh at the Magnum-Pi paint on the helicopters in Narco Road tho...

Fallen Ghosts is a much better addon by a long shot. IMHO. If your an avid GTA fan than Narco Road will please you no end. It's not for me right now. Fallen Ghosts has a better story and a great new enemy faction. 

Starting the DLC as a level 30 you have all the base game skills that a character can have, you then spend more on DLC specific skill's as you go. But I really really miss my 100% rebel skills. I really really, really depend a lot on the rebel spotting ability. I'm missing having the full versions so much.

Most of my game time has been done on my "Solo Alt". Doing the main campaign again. It's been interesting to be doing the missions from alternative angles. Not only in regard to having different weapons or knowing the game better; But getting to know the story and picking up on the little things I missed first time around. As well as hear the female voice acting.
It's also been cool to do a mission with relative ease that on my main had caused massive problems.

Different angles, different opportunities.

I can't fault the game for replayability, it's proving itself to me in that regard.

A picture says a thousand words... so here's 10,000....(Co-op below).

Doing co-op has, like always been a mixed bag. The other players you come across and the way they want to do things or interact can be fun, annoying, strange or all of the above etc.....

For my character I decided to reevaluate his main weapon again. Still keeping it within the 'special' named variants. So that means back to looking at these two:

I finally decided to change his main weapon to the more damaging SIG 556 Llama.  With the LMG being a bullet hose, I needed an accurate weapon with a more damaging single shot rather than another rapid fire weapon.

I've had some interesting games with others. Again you can't tell what happens from one group to the next or from the same group from one encounter to the next. It can all go sideways. With the game having text chat and voice comms it can be very very sideways.

I've have good and bad games. These recent game have mainly been good ones.

But this characters map is as messed up as ever, co-op is not a game type for those with any kind of OCD. There has been no story line following and no straight narrative. Then again I've been doing co-op in a join in and play along way. What can I really expect unless I start calling out the missions that are near for me, trying to rangle a random group is too much hassle, I'll stick to the tag along fun.

I do like his look in the cut-scenes

Not all vehicles have space to shoot from, sometimes you have to roll with what you got.
This one made me feel like a dog, all sway and no control, while I just look out the back window, funny moment in a fire fight.

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