Friday 10 November 2017

Eve Online....

Just a rant:

Nothing is more offputting than when a game wipes all you U.I. settings and returns things to "default". That recent Eve launcher update made most of my login/characters have their U.I. reset.
Changing the settings back to my old settings (cog icon on login) does indeed let me restore my settings; Only my old settings no longer seem to work with whatever they changed. So my imported old UI settings are as unusable as the default set.
My gaming laptop doesn't even have an option to select an older profile to import at all. Very annoying.

I can't be arsed to redo them all, each character for each account for that many settings/window positions..... On the PC and then transfer to the laptop. Hours of faffing about for a game I dont' play for more than a few minutes of character maintenance. Who knows another patch might come and it will be incompatible again.

And the launcher still has no cache for remembering usernames.....

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