Monday 6 November 2017


Over the last three day's I've put in some time doing Ghost Recon Wildlands co-op mode. My third character was started as a pure, no other levelling outside of co-op character. You know, for the 'experience'.

It's been a process of development over time. The main challenge with the character has been the lack of a decent assault rifle that also have a silencer.

So whats changed between now and when I first started doing co-op... It seems that experienced players have moved on to other things like PvP or different games altogether. Those that are still in game are levelling up their tier and all seem to be grouped with friends. But the more things change the more they stay the same. Still no communication, no typing, no talk whatsoever. So no teamwork let alone community spirit. It seems the push from the devs like the community post has fallen on deaf ears. That post was called Trust or Die, but my experience in co-op is Trust AND Die. Die because the driver/pilot has bailed from the vehicle etc. etc. etc. Stuff like that can be funny a few times in certain circumstances; But when it's done out of malice it gets old fast. Specifically if a very cliquey group gets random people in to abuse and blame.

I now feel very negative about co-op. Of the weekend time I put in about 6 hours or so I got noting done. My character barley levelled and didnt' get any useful gear and no new missions completed.

That's not to say that all co-op is bad, it's not. With friends or a random group that is cooperating I've enjoyed great gameplay. But finding a random group like that is very, very rare.

I ended up repeating the same mission (underground data center) for 90% of the groups I joined.  What is with that. Also for a mission with a line stating that the data center is UNDERGROUND, the amount of players that go to the mission marker point but ON TOP of the hill is facepalm inducing.

So when a person who tries to explain what to do and where to do it is ignored by the group .... frustration.

In saying that there were two good groups, even if they were not long experiences. One where they were hunting resources and another that spent time to complete 4 missions in a row. With actual teamwork and communication.

I also came across a few groups that just Alt-F4 when things got hard. Which in turn leads to a lot of host migration. Both annoying.

My own experiences with unwanted escalations has lead to great fun, especially when you run Unidad into SB forces and they start shooting at each other as well as you. Mix in rebels to taste.

Superior firepower rules the day, a thing that a no tactic, no communication group should understand.
"When in doubt, RPK out"....

I won't waffle on further about what I've experienced.

For my character I've reimagined him again. A return to his roots, a reinvented grey man, and a return to The Llama rifle.

With a silenced sniper rifle and pistol I decided a return to The Llama for it's power and speed. 

The random nature of the people you meet in co-op is just that, random. Some good, some bad.
I won't say I will never return to co-op but so far it's still in a place I'd visit to see what it's like rather than stay longterm as a gamemode. If it was the only way to level I'd have bailed on the game a long time ago.

Overall how do I best describe my weekend of co-op experiences..... this video does it best.

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