Wednesday 22 November 2017


I've reversed my decision to use the temporal bundle C-Store ship on my main. In using the new ship I thought I'd geared it up to be on par with the old reward T6. In practice I was not as tanky leading to many death's, as well as not doing enough damage. Time for a change again.

After switching back to the Vorgon Xyfius T6 two things were very noticeable. 
Survivability; Even in the midst of a large number of enemies I was able to survive well. 
Damage; So many numbers scrolling and not just low numbers but nice big juicy damage numbers. 

So I'll be reevaluating ships per class/character (again) and not just using the store ships, they are proving to be not better or even equal to the free ships I've received in the past. This is a good predicament to be in. It proves to me that the game isn't just a straight up pay to win. Every ship no matter how you get it, free or payed, has it's pro's and con's. If I'd paid for zen to get the bundle I'd be disappointed, on the other hand it makes me happy that I put the bit of effort in to get the free event ships. I'm not a hardcore STO player, I'm a filthy casual carebear; But this return to an older free ship is making my gameplay a lot more enjoyable. It's not often you find a game that gives you something for free that makes a real difference to empower your gamplay. In doing the current Mirror universe invasion event I now don't die and I'm killing a lot of ships. I feel like I'm making the win rather than just being present (and trying to just close rifts).

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