Friday 3 November 2017

Stardew Valley....

Although I've done a lot in the game and I'm not in any rush with it, I've reached a stage where I'd consider it near an end game state. I decided to look up some more info and make a list of what my end game really looks like.

For the "main" storyline I still have to do:
- Community Centre bundles (lots of fish types and 1 summer fern needed).
Which is a prerequisite for:

- Wizard quest line and the building of the teleport obelisks.

I also need a Rainbow shell for the casino access quest line so like the fern above my next summer season should do it. Not that I need casino winnings, I'm not lacking gold now but there are some special items to claim.

It would be nice to get:
- Final museum items (8 or so)

- Last Stardrops. A longshot but if it happens great.

And as a longshot:
- Proper greenhouse setup/use. I'm not that pushed as I'm doing more with cattle/sheep etc.

So all in all still a longer road ahead.

One comment I read in relation to the end game was:
...................... "you're never really 'done' until you decide you are."

My recent gameplay has seen me max out foraging. I ended up taking lumberjack.

The only skill left to level up is the fishing. I've been working on it. Mainly for the bundles in the community centre. With a rod upgrade it's been easier but I've not been into any form of fishing in any game. At least now I also have the crab pots.

I've also checked out what mods are available. I've never been big into any mod scene. I doubt that I'll do any of these for Stardew but there are lots of interesting ones. To me there are more cosmetic mods more worthy of mention.

For changing the look of items I was interested in the BB8 pet change and the change for weapons into lightsabers. As well as a change for the horse into a tractor.

Then again for better more helpful gamplay there was the Fast Geode processing....

As well as the unnofficial co-op mod.....

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