Saturday 25 November 2017

Torchlight II....

I had a problem with the game crashing as soon as I clicked play on the launcher. Which was strange as I'd been using the game fine on my laptop. The saves were synced online and downloaded to the pc with no problems but it still would black screen and crash.

A lot of hours (I mean a loooot) and many game verifications / reinstalls later and the answer was in the crash log from the windows application event viewer.

Faulting application name: Torchlight2.exe, version:
Faulting module name: rzdspsrv.dll, version:
Faulting application path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Torchlight II\Torchlight2.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Razer\InGameEngine\32bit\rzdspsrv.dll

That rzdspsrv.dll file is part of the Razer Synapse software application (V2.21) for my mouse and keyboard.
To resolve the problem I closed the Razer software and started the game. Which then ran without any further problems.

Bit of a pain to do each time but at least the game works.

I've seen a lot of posts with similar problems.... So Razer and similar software may cause the same problem, so just putting this out to the interwebs.......

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