Sunday 12 November 2017


With the completion of the latest special challenge and my main characters tier climb; I decided to finish off the DLC: Fallen Ghosts. I've stated before the disconnect from your main campaign character when you go to the dlc. Recreating a character for each dlc is a disconnect that I hate but thankfully I recreated my main (and smg/lmg) character's looks 100%. Weapons on starting are on par with what you would have (for the most part) had at the end of the main game. Some extra weapons are also added to both indicate the new situation and circumstances in the dlc.

There is a level increase in the dlc. The main game leaves you at level 30 (excluding tier system, none of that here), the dlc increases that to 35. Not that the leave is important but as you go through the game you get skill points to apply.  Bulletproof and Bloodlust being the most important with the added bonus of Fast Reload on getting all the skills.

The dlc is set after the events of the main storyline, a storyline that created a power vacuum that creates the world of the Fallen Ghosts dlc. There are three provinces, created from a mix of regions from the main campaigns. I have always liked the jungle section of the game and these new regions show that in spades. It's immersive and atmospheric. Not that the regions are big but because of the old region mix they do feel different.

The new enemy that has moved in on the game world feel very G.I. Joe esq with their black and yellow camo. I like that feel. The Los Extranjeros are a step up on the military ladder from the main games Unidad forces.

  • Footman - Basic infantry on par with the basic Unidad soldiers.
  • Armoured - These heavy soldiers have advanced bulletproof body armour and can only be damaged by explosives or by headshots. Facing off against these guys when they are marching towards you blasting away with an LMG can be a pain.
  • Covert Ops - These soldiers wear predator camo suits and carry crossbows so not only do you not see them but they are hard to locate when they attack. They are the only reason I've had to use thermal vision. They are very deadly in larger numbers. And they are in larger numbers later in the game.
  • Jammer - Equipped with portable jamming devices that disable the tactical map, night/thermal vision, and drones. So getting rid of them is a priority. They also have an area of effect on your character's vision that glitches your view and it can be very disorientating.
  • Elite snipers - Using heavy rifles with a tell tale red-dot scope. They spot you from a distance with ease. 
So the usual priority for me is to remove the snipers that could spot me, remove the cloaked covert ops, remove the jammers, then the heavy's and grunts as they patrol.

The best mission is the second to last where you need to attack a base and need to watch out for large numbers of these guys who are patrolling in ways that compliment each other.

There is a new CIA operative that coordinates for you but the end of the game was a good reconnection with the main campaign.

The dlc also has a better damage/bleed visual blurry effect. Like the jammer glitch that seems as if your brain is being hacked. Great effects. No flat image does it justice.

I've not died a lot on the missions but when I did none ever felt unjustified.

Each regions missions lead along a storyline to a boss battle. As the main game it's fulfilling on both storyline and progression. Each feeding into the other.

Each boss is a harder version of a class of enemy, Heavy, Covert Ops and Jammer.
I could be descriptive but images will be more informative about the game without letting spoilers out:

A dlc well worth the journey and a great way to finish off a game I now consider fully complete.

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