Monday 6 November 2017

Stardew Valley....

With the centre bundles progressing there has been some story line elements happening.
Like the sewer fist fight. Funny stuff.

All in all I'm biding my time now. Summer is peek time for the farm, once I've seen to the animals and crops there isn't that much time left for the orchard, farm maintenance, some slight foraging and to then see to the crab pots.
Some day's are better than others but summer is a money maker. High 20's to mid 40's, 30k ish a day isn't a bad average..... Even for a none streamlined set of processes in my lax operation.

The secret to large 'other' sales for the day..... Truffles. Pigs were the best investment. There are other processed goods that are worth it but truffles are less hassle. Granted they do vary the amount they find from day to day and don't collect any in winter but they are a money maker in the other seasons.
Winter is for dungeoneering anyway.

The crab pots have helped level up the fishing without having to actually do fishing. They wont' help me catch what I need to finish off the community centre bundles; But at least it is helping make that easier when I do get back around to it.

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