Monday 27 August 2018


Battletech is a good game. I like it, it's brought all the usual mech mechanics and style into a very playable turn based PC game. I'm biased as I've always been into the franchise. Granted the time-frame that the game takes place in isn't my favourite. For that I'd need the clans and Omnimech tech (Mad Dog's & Timber Wolves). But I'm still pottering away with the main campaign, building cash and resources and moving onto the next story-line mission. 

As much variety as there is in mech's, weapons and technology; Inner Sphere mech tech has never 'done anything' for me(Could argue about longterm SLDF tech in the Inner Sphere (Atlas).........but). So seeing the expansion details (Flashpoint) due in November with more of the same (even with a Hatchetman) isn't floating my boat, at all. I doubt I'll get it. If I do it'll be a deep sale in the future.

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