Wednesday 1 August 2018

Eve Online....

I've not been back to Eve Online actively in a long long time.
When I've gone back it's only to see what freebies there were(like seeing no chrimbo gifts, the return of mystery code for a moment or items for triglavian access (probably because nobody was going to triglavian space?)). Or to see whats changed after a patch. Even at that I just log in, poke a menu or two and log off. Otherwise I log in for old times sake to see the characters, ship spin for a moment etc. Nostalgia more than anything else I suppose. But the last two day's has seen me log in an old Alpha alt for no other reason than to afk mine in hi-sec with a venture, as I both watched YouTube and played another game. No reason in that.... No idea why....
I've been watching more youtubez about Eve on late. Maybe that's it; Maybe it's time to get the Alpha's back in action properly.... Decisions, decisions.

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