Friday 17 August 2018


I've had no hype for the latest expansion and no thought of getting back into the game. I've kept up to date on the happenings through the video's from BellularGaming and Taliesin & Evitel.
But even hearing details like "Heart of Azeroth Artifact Power Farming & Azerite Gear Guide" makes my head involuntarily bang on the desk in front of me.

I spoke to a good rl m8 who got back into the game for the expansion and he already regrets it, mainly from game grind mechanics. 
In game news from his perspective wasn't sounding fun. The guild we were all in has disintegrated. If the guild had been back up and running I would probably be back on. The social aspect of the game can be so strong. Good while it lasted at the time. But now....

I think I'll have to wait for what classic wow holds.....

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