Tuesday 14 August 2018

Fallout 76....

Good details came from Quake Con: 

All the rules in place for PvP makes me wonder why a PvP player toggle wouldn't be better.  WoW is doing that job really well with the latest expansions 'War Mode'.

Why are game companies hung up on non consensual PvP as a norm. Then they go out of their way to protect players when it could all be done away with by having the player decide if they want PvP or not.

The more I hear about Fallout 76, the more I'm thinking of having nothing to do with it.
As it stands now Fallout 76 isn't on my wish list any longer.

Besides updates to the game engine, new creatures and location, is it really worth it just for Fallout 4 PvP as an extra?

Maybe I'm being too harsh on the declutter/cutting of games from my interest list.

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