Tuesday 21 August 2018


Season 6 Week 2 sees a lot of sneaking about. Sam Fisher style, for the most part.

Although the challenge says you can't fire your weapon it doesn't count against your a.i. team mates. So clearing the area's with sync shot is the order of the day.

As the first part needs to be done in the Montuyoc region, I stayed and completed all the parts there.

The first part can be done in the training base to the east of the map

I gained entry from the north-east, cleared the base(visual scan/sync shot) for one generator and the jammer.

The second section of the base across the road to the north south-west has another generator. As before scan(jammer down so use drone), sync-shot clear and turn off the generator.

The second part of the challenge needs you to kill 3 SB soldiers unseen with one grenade.
I found three patrolling SB's in a secluded area North of the lake in Laguna Colorada Baths.

For the last part I went back to the same entry point in the training base as that side of the base has single sentry guards that are easy to CQC.

Easy challenge but with stealth and randomness if felt tense at times. Sneaking up on a sentry etc.


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