Friday 17 August 2018


I've put a few more hours into No Man's Sky over the last week. I'm in no great rush to go anywhere in game. The choice to randomly explore, take a "shortcut" wormhole or go straight to the galactic core hasn't peeked any interest. So beyond minor system exploration, scanning, harvesting of planets and moons; I've been getting re-acquainted with actually playing the game. This new 'NEXT' version of the game.

The 'ol red crystals are no longer Uranium... But a harvest for old times sake....
I've been getting to know the technologies and the resources needed by tech to make life effortless. A need to know that plant X gives oxygen, that X and Y are needed for my life support 'fuel' and that scrap metal is needed for looting. Etc. Etc. Etc.

I've upgraded some items on my suit, ship and multitool.

One item I'm still trying to get a hook on (blueprint?) is the Oxygen filter.

I think I'm at a point where I know most of what I need to keep exploration/existence in the game going. That's half the battle. The next part, deciding what to aim for as a goal will decide how long I stay in game.....

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