Saturday 18 August 2018

Space Hulk Deathwing....

Space Hulk Deathwing - Enhanced Edition to be specific; Is on Steam sale at 50% off for the next 40-ish hours(at time of typing/posting).

On it's initial release, I had hoped it would be better then it was. So I held off buying it.
The more info I got about the game the more my need for a greater percentage off became; 
Then the Enhanced edition came out that was to fix most of the issues gamers had. It kind of did that 95% of the way. The same edition bound for console release, but only the PS4 version went ahead. Poor XBox One was cancelled.... Either way the PC version is "better" now. So at -50% and with a bit of Steam credit already on my account meant I only ended up paying a few Euro's for it. I can live with that.

Another game off the 'Want' list and moved to the 'To Play' list. At least it won't take long to complete.

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