Tuesday 7 August 2018

Eve Online....

I've been doin it again.... More AFK mining....

AFK mining while playing Co-op Stardew Valley with my wife. Great bank holiday weekend!

Ore for isk, not much isk, but enough isk for most T1 modules and some ships.
T1 is a core staple of Eve online Alpha's in my view, for ships and fits that is. Ships to spin and fits to faff with. A section of the game that's a game in it's own right. I still place value in level 4 T1 modules as a mainstay of my Alpha characters. Cheap and effective. T2 upgrades as isk allows etc.

I've been purposefully ignoring my old Omega characters and associated alts. The new Alpha's were made to be true(er?) Alpha's. with no assistance. Game-play method in the madness.

My "main" PvE (Alpha) character is now part of a casual mission running tax haven corp. One that has a very casual chill solo and help if you want to/can mantra. That character's hauler alt is still in an NPC corp. And another alt on that account has no other task than to soak up the free skills and faff about in an older corp that my main used to be in. Just to maintain contact with that corp's CEO(corp fell apart due to persistant hi-sec ganking war dec's).

I've resurrected my PvP Alpha alter ego. With CVA getting ownership of Provi back I've been mulling moving him to a corp in Provi. Mainly to do some belt ratting and oddly enough mining. I've always found Provi life enjoyable and a good isk earner...

I guess I'm back in the game...?

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