Monday 20 August 2018


I had an urge to play Ghost Recon Wildlands. While it would have been better to hop on my co-op character and level him up. I decided to stay solo. Specific co-op character for co-op only. Because I'm 'funny' that way. 
So the new challenge season rewards are as I said, lacklustre. Aimed more towards the PvP side of the game(Odd how many games warp PvE activities into a feeder system for PvP these day's...... Me paranoid!?!) Anyway I ended up doing the first weeks challenge set.

Nothing major in doing it. 

Easy long range no HUD kills x5

Easy blow up convoys x2

Sniper headshot kills x30 (more of a grind than a challenge)

Now if only the reward was the week 3 vehicle.... Just to have....

If I'm not saying it's too easy I'm saying it's unfavourably difficult. It's hard to get a good challenge mix, I feel for the devs. 


Nostalgia is strong with this one.

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