Monday 6 August 2018

South Park....

After reloading my last save I went straight to the DLC bus stop; The first message to greet me was that any items earned from the DLC would also be available/usable in other saves. 
This got me thinking, as I'd lost my previous DLC saves I'd have none of it's items or upgrades. Granted I don't remember if there was anything really useful but I did miss the top hat look. A reverse course was needed and off to redo the Casa Bonita DLC I went.

Redoing it this time felt a lot shorter than I remembered from last time. No great hardships in the DLC and it still had some entertainment value. South Park is South Park after all. 
I did get some extra items and a whole lot of costumes. I only got to swap out one artifact.

On to the next....

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