Monday 20 December 2021


I'd not had the time I thought I'd have to do many of the gift runs for the event. All that and another of my usual 'crashes' hampered things(watching YouTube instead of the road). 

Still I've almost gotten there overall. The rest should be doable in the next few days.🤞

As for the new trailers, I'm still not a fan. They may be nice from an artistic dickensian stylistic change and variety is good; But the trailers with the lights, candy canes and large bow warped boxes added so much fun(imho). I was really looking forward to them, even more than I thought I was, made obvious now that they aren't in the game. Which is an ongoing feeling still surprising me now. Again the new ones are 'fine' but I'm only looking at them to take screenshots for blogging; Where I was taking screenshots of the old version for me and for fun previously..... Each to their own, I know, I know. 
I'm sure the old trailers were thought garishly gaudy by some but I miss them. Guess I'm just no dealing well with this change.

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