Tuesday 7 December 2021

Star Trek Online....

The Winter event is around the corner here(almost). The last event reward was an interesting console but not one I've used even on alts... Not yet at least. A trend that seems to be ongoing for me and these event rewards of late..... Perhaps an indicator of having too much choice.

The news on the Winter Event lists some new items. However unlike my usual self there are three vanity pets of interest to me this year, the Glacial Epohh, the Warnog Rescue Targ and Warnog Barrel. Mainly for my KDG characters. Those last two 'pets', I don't recall them being a 2020 thing but the image..... 

While I can applaud the Star Trek Franchise naming a class of ship after the late Aaron Eisenberg who played Nog; I'm a bit meh about the actual stats of the ship implemented in game. I was surprised that it was named as the Winter Event ship; I fully expected a Breen ship or one of the other thematic class of event ships usually given(Fek'Ihri). All that aside the T6 Eisenberg Star Cruiser has a lot of details on the face of it, 4 weapons fore and aft. 4 device slots make it a ship for a lot of fitting options, meta or not. Kind of like a lot of other ships. Boff seating and all other stats are ..... meh. At least to me. 
The ship trait is a 40% incoming energy damage return as a shield heal..... 
The console.... While I can't see myself(or alts) using it...... It's a nice idea(in theory)? It's very situational, proof in the pudding maybe?

It's a free event ship after all. There are other ships that are 'better'. Maybe this new ship is too generalised, there is no stand out must have use for it. But I get it, free is free. It's not a ship designed to be meta(is it? Eng Ensign seat is Nog thematic at least). Yet even my underdog view of this ship is still 'meh'. I'll still get it, fit it and try it out and then see where it ends up.

Overall my time in STO has been more of the same. Same as the last few times, the time before that, before that again.... and again. Again I can say the more things change the more they stay the same. At least for my gameplay in STO. PC and Xbox regardless. While I'm taking that as a good thing I do question that from time to time. Sometimes it's good to shake things up. Small ways, large ways and habits; Some things are changeable, some not so much.

Speaking of not being a meta head my main has been reworking some items on an ad-hoc best in current inventory ship fit on a reward ship from the previous event. The Mirror Universe T6 Gagarin Warship. It's a cobbled together fit that works for me. I'm happy with the lack of any real active hull regen(new for me), it's all passive even in advanced TFO's and it works. Leaving plenty of time for clicking and spacebar pewpew. By default, at a base level, at heart for ship builds I tend to not get complicated(as if that wasn't obvious). Ad-hoc , best of inventory fits say it all. It's where the most fun is for me in such shenanigans. It's the same fit that will be used on the winter event ship when I get it because if I discharge the ship I'll not have enough space in inventory to store it all.

As for gamepaly outside of the norm I've started the cat life with a new KDF Ferasan character. The cat for the cat carrier. I just find it all amusing. I've teamed him up with one of my wife's characters(KDF Temporal agent) for some fun and to help her out as well.

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