Tuesday 21 December 2021

Eve Online....

While my usual and extremely long draft post about Eve life is ever ongoing, I thought it a good time to do something separate.

Lies, damn lies and statistics as the saying goes. The end of year personalised player(cross accounts) statistics video from Eve Online is an interesting thing. I've no clue how they compile the data and on the face of it, it should be a simple thing. But this is Eve Online and CCP never does anything simple. So a quick, long look at the stats of my own video.

Here's the vid. I like a bit of anonymity so excuse the Fozzie face(wakka wakka). But having added it in I just find myself giggling.... It's so very very apt.

Me and my 18 alts it says.... Strange as I have me and my 20 alts.... Even if I account for the 1 account and it's 1 character that are not on my primary eve e-mail(Steam) the video alt stat is still incorrect.

I've no idea where the 53.5 Million SP came from, it seems a 'tad bit high' given I've spend almost nothing on game time in the last year and all characters have sat as fully skilled Alpha's (non training)for the bulk of the year. Never mind all that, I'm in the top 6% of players gaining SP!!?!!! I don't believe that at all.

Fleet numbers seems fair enough.

Also seems fair enough with the lowsec jumps being from a covert ops run to see the Monolith and the New Eden systems(highlights vid). As well as two Alphas who did a bit of lowsec ninja mining. But to say I'm in the top 10% of players to do hi-sec jumps.... Surely freighter and hauler specialists would do more... This is where the stats get really murky and depends on the data bracketing and that shiz gets complex(CCP interpretation on data, who'd a thunk it). Also a pity they don't count Wormhole space as it's own thing. I presume that gets lumped in with Nullsec.

Jumpgate stats also look fair but to say I'm top 17% with freighter, hauler and exploration specialists in game.... stats eh!? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

I don't recall doing much manufacturing and certainly not resulting in items worth 1 Billion never mind 2. So again I've no idea what would have been made in 40 jobs for an average of 52,263,887.775 isk! Whatever it is I wish I knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Given I've spent most of my time(and that's not very much time at all!) doing low level mission on alts to gain standings (and doing mining) I've no idea about the bounties stat. Maybe it's mainly from level 4's at the tail end of my Omega time early in the year... Plausible, questionable.

Sales is a fair stat as I 'made a killing' on the market when the price of basic PI went through the roof for a bit.

Guilty as charged. I did spend a lot of isk.... on stuff..... just stuff.

Transactions are also questionable, again I can't believe I'm in the top 21% just from a bit of basic PI selling... Certainly not 1147 market transactions worth.... 
Could PI import, export be counted in this? 
Is each item counted or is it the overall transaction? I've bought 10000 missiles in one go many times so maybe not. 
Questionable.  Plausible, questionable.

Seems high but again believable given the limited market 'killing' that time. But to be in the top 8% of earners in the game..... As a casual carebear with a bunch of Alpha clones.... I have questions.... Many many questions.

The number of storyline missions seems high given you get one after 16(15?) regular missions. I don't recall doing any of the epic arcs but maybe on an alt I did the SOE arc and it's those that are counted... That has to be it. As for being in the top 14% of PvE mission running? Really!?!

Seems way under the mark. I've had times in the summer helping a friend gather materials where I had an alt on a second screen doing nothing but mine... for daaaaaaaaaaaaaays. Half a million seems way too low. 

But pod kills seems way too high. Checking my characters I've had two alts podded once each this year. Both ninja mining in a venture in lowsec and two Abyssal pod kills..... 

And that's it. Stats and more questions than answers. At a glance there's enough questionable information shown to make me look at some easily check-able things, shake my head and go no further. I can't take it seriously let alone revel in whats shown nor boast about it. Wakka wakka,

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