Monday 20 December 2021

Mini Motorways....

Speaking of another game I'd not notice get an update, Mini Motorways has had some interesting improvements and additions. Again a game that has interested me (here and here)but fell away (it happens). For me the new challenges per map as well as the newer map were of most interest. 

So much so that I've cleared the new achievements for them in the last couple of days. Gaining the 600 journeys was very doable. Not harsh or bad challenges overall but fun and interesting. 

The new stats tab on the maps are also interesting, to see where you rank overall with the community. Much better than the older scoreboard(imho). 

Stats aside, I'd class myself as an average player of the game. No min-maxing, so utter carnage can and does ensue from situations; Never mind situations from situations on top of situation.... And still be considered fun.

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