Monday 13 December 2021

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine - Anniversary Edition....

Until yesterday I'd no knowledge/recollection that the game had received a free update to become the 'Anniversary Edition' for it's 10th Birthday. It was the trailer of the coming second game that prompted me to take another look at the original. A game I claimed free(in 2018) and proved to be a surprise for it's game-play fun. A casual enough game to get into and enjoy. 

Looking now at the game, the graphical details... At least in my view are still good. I'd say not bad for a game from 2011 but I was happy to play it and think it still looked good in 2018 never mind now. It's an art style that works and screams 40k. 

As does the game's chunky(in a good way) game mechanics. They are satisfying and it feels good to play(power-sword all the things!). 

It's as enjoyable to play today as it was for me in 2018 and I'd say it's probably the same for anyone into 40k thats playing it now or played it in the last 10 years. Nice to get the extra's of the Anniversary Edition. The free stuff added:

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