Wednesday 22 December 2021

Evil Genius 2 World Domination....

Persisting with the Max story-line has proved two things. I can't let go of the Max story-line and that I'm a specific completionist with this game. I have a 'need' to complete this characters story. A hook that won't let go. That's not to say I'm not having fun, I still am; But the more I play the more I can agree with what I've said before(here and here). Pro's and Con's. The comedy, the micromanagement, the base building and the nostalgia are quiet the mix. I get it and 'it does it' for me so I persist with the hook the game has on me. 

A pro and a con of the game is the way the main objective progresses. Lots of sub objectives and towards the end of the game they do tend to drag out. Short game sessions can blink into hours. Waiting for global objectives takes time, all the while dealing with the enemy and side missions(if you want). They all bleed together into one ongoing todo list. So yea before you know it hours have passed. 

Add in the constant attacks by the more powerful enemy agents and it's pressure filled between attacks minion and base management. 

Send to many minions out on jobs and get attacked while new minions are still in training and you could be 'in a spot of bother'. Bad timing almost ended the game for me once. Which lead to me spending gold on new minions and increasing the training areas x2. Lesson learnt, spend the gold.

That micromanagement while entertaining in itself early in the game turns into a game changer. No wonder so many people are turned off by that early on never mind later. However the game is good in the way the learning curve works. You don't notice a large part of the micromanagement as you 'fix' situations intuitively.

I'm just about at the end of the campaign. Only 1 more Enemy HQ to turn to gold. I'll take my time.

The endgame enemy rush of all the enemy types and agents shows that I should have dealt with the agent side missions sooner. Having the waves accompanied by there specific faction agents is a massive pain to defend against. Especially as multiple factions attack at once. Remove them early and save the hassle later. Another lesson learnt.

As for other lessons.....

 - Don't be lax with placing fire extinguishers. The last thing you need to hear is that there is an 'inferno' in your base. But I do like how calm the computer voice is about it all. Funny.


 - Don't be afraid to not have 'traditional rooms'. Space is key as well. Open floor planning is the way of the future! 'Rooms'(walls) are best used for funneling areas into traps and defensive choke-points.

I'm endgame on one character, Taking my time but not being lax about it yet have still put in 32 hours. I have a nostalgia hook but looking at the % of those stats shows a lot of gamers really don't get far into the game. That still surprises me; Even after seeing the other stats and thinking most gamers don't last in it more than a few hours.

Overall the game is good, thinking about it now it's better that I've previously said. It has problems but it has grown on me. I'm enjoying and having fun. 

As for playing the game as another of the main characters.... I'm not sold on that yet. I've no real nostalgia for the others. If they had a specific lair look or locations then I'd be more into it(no not just a DLC with a few art/item assets). 

Would I buy the game knowing what I know now. Tentative yes. I'll be sticking it on the Steam wish-list again and waiting for a deep sale that includes all the DLC.

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