Friday 31 December 2021

Sniper Elite 4....

With the Steam winter sale ongoing I picked up Sniper Elite 4 out of curiosity and a certain need for the genre of game. The price didn't hurt either. -85% for the Deluxe edition(€13.49), sure why not.

The game may be called Sniper but it's not 100% enforced and if you never want to use a sniper rifle then that can work as well.You can be sneaky, you can be stealthy and you can be as loud as the 4th of July if you want. It's not a perfect game but it's fun. If your after a 'real' sniper simulation then there are other games for that. Sniper Elite 4 caters to all and for all it does the job well enough. The fun and enjoyment factors are high.

Sniper Elite 4 has surprised me. I'd seen it's kill-shot slow-mo x-ray mechanic from it's previous iterations and thought it 'cool'; But seeing it in action myself, yea it's 'COOL'.

The real surprise for me however is in how much it reminds me of the hard 'Lone Wolf' version of Hidden and Dangerous 2's missions(back in the day), but better(modern game etc) now seen in this game. A game to spend hours or 'just' minutes of your time. I've been playing on Normal(Marksman) and for once I'm thinking the difficulty needs to be upped a notch. Save slots at any time also help.

Enjoyment like the game difficulty is in the eye of the beholder. More 'realism' works both ways; Up that difficulty so don't be surprised if a Drogo booboo gets you.

Like H&D 2 once the enemies know of your existence they tend to focus and flank you. They use tactics from covering fire to blind fire all the while closing in on your 'estimated' position(because of course you moved.... right); Trying to flush you out with grenades. As you ambush the ambushers and flee(tactical withdrawal) from the area(tripwires!!). The A.I. is good but it's not that good. Which is realistic in that there are idiots levels of trained and untrained soldiers in the world. At least that's how I look at it. It's believable that way. Immersive. Especially as the Germans are more 'keen' than their Italian allies(at least from what I've seen) so is all apt.

There's enjoyment in the games doing. Even if your all in on the sneaking side and things go 'bad', picking off the enemy as they fox and hound you 'feels' good and very much appeals to a sense of underdog victory; And I've found myself getting into such situations on purpose because of it.

The melee combat is also effective, so much so that I find I want to be up close and personal just to keep things quiet; Or to get out of situations with minimum fuss.

Using the binoculars to target/tag enemies and items is a simple but great way to bring extra narrative to the gameplay as well as tactical intel. Such intel provides more immersion as long as you don't question how the bino's know what they know. Either way the information can be used or ignored and a lot is just there for flavour. It all works for me.

In a lot of ways the maps allow for a flow of gameplay dependent on the player. You'll see a lot of your own play-style reflected back at you and in turn will get more out of it the more you put in. A game system that really works from what I've seen so far. Better to start with a high difficulty and bring it down than the opposite way and there's not many games a player can say that about. I'll be taking my time and enjoying this for some time to come.

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